Downloads by Zenith
Homebrewed Softwares:
GPIB Communicator
2.1 (Feb 17, 2025)
1.2 (Oct 9, 2006)
Set PS 1.51
(Oct 1, 2021)
FG 1.31 (Oct 1, 2021)
Set SI 5010 1.0 (Jan 22, 2016)
Show DM 1.1 (Jan 26, 2015)
1000/2000 Performance Verification and Adjustment 1.2, (Feb 20, 2025)
TDS 200 Performance Verification and Adjustment 2.4, (Feb
19, 2025)
TDS 300 Performance Verification 2.4 (Feb 21, 2025)
TDS 3000 Performance Verification and Adjustment 2.2 (Feb 18, 2025)
400 Performance Verification 2.4, (Feb 23, 2025)
500/600/700 Performance Verification 1.3 (Feb 21, 2025)
View & Print TDS Log Files 1.3 (Jan 13 2025)
TDS Error Log Viewer 1.3 (Feb
17, 2025)
Measurement Logging 2.1 (March 25, 2023)
Tek Parts Manager 1.33 (May 24, 2023)
2400DSO Quick Check 2.0
(March 29, 2013)
Compare GPIB Command Files 1.0 (June 20, 2015)
Check Terminations and Attenuators 1.4 (Nov 29, 2017)
TDS Hard Copy 1.25 (Dec 31, 2024)
File Splitter 1.01 (June 24, 2024)
TekWiki Launcher 1.25 (Dec
20, 2024)
Folder Copier 1.7 (Dec 25, 2024)
File Finder 2.7 (Feb 5, 2025)
Various Calculations 2.35 (Dec 24, 2024)
Obsolete Tek Softwares:
XYZ's of Oscilloscopes, Windows help file version of the Tek document with the same name.
Docuwave 1.2, Windowsstyle DOS program that imports waveforms from numerous Tek scopes like 11k, 2200, 2400, TDS and more.
Grabber II, DOS program that imports waveforms from 2201, 2211 & 2214.
WaveStar Lite 1.0, Windows program that imports waveforms from TDS 200-series.
TEKCATS 11300, Adjustment software v2.19 (DOS). Unzip and run install.bat.
TEKCATS DSA600, Adjustment software v1.2 (DOS). Unzip to the root directory of any drive. Rename the directory to TEKCATS.
SD ID, Small DOS software to enter the serial number into an SD2x series sampling heads.
11A52 HF Adjustments, Small DOS software to enter HF calibration constants into an 11A52.
Troubleshooting your Oscilloscope
As the title says this is a book on troubleshooting older oscilloscopes. I found it some time ago among my other manuals and scanned it.
It was probably a handout from one of the many Tek Service training courses I have attended.
This document is often found for sale on eBay by sellers who downloaded it for free, either from here or from some other free site.
I can tell it's mine since it's Letter size and it was scanned in A4 size leaving a white band on the bottom as seen on the pictures.
This is a rescan in the correct Letter format.
Another handout from a training course. Kind of basic but maybe useful anyway.
Troubleshooting tips on 2200-series power supply
Troubleshooting tips on TDS300-series power supply
Documents I wrote based on my own experience working on these scopes for many years.
1969 Catalog Supplement introducing the 7000 series
Parts Replacement kits, Mod kits, Data Sheets and other Documents
Scans of various documents
Project stories:
Three home made TM500 Plug-Ins
Modification of an SI 5010
Installing an LCD display in a TDS544A
Building a Dual Fast Pulse Generator
Modification of a DC5010 EXT Clock Input
Replacing the V/Div Scale Factor lamps with LED's in a
Building an RF Step Attenuator
Recapping a 7603
Building a simple Component Multi Tester
Building a TM500 Fast Pulse Generator
Building a TM500 Precision Frequency Standard
Creating a 7k/11k plug-in
storage cabinet
plug-in in an 11k mainframe
Building a TM500 RF Amplifier
Building a TM500 Network Analyzer
Making a simple
low current limiter
Building a
TM500 35 MHz-4.4
GHz RF Generator
another TM500/TM5000 mainframe tester
Installing an LCD display in a TDS784A
the RF Step Attenuator
Power Supply Test adapters/dummy loads for older
the Display Module in an AFG5101
(Re)Building a 10A Electronic Load
Convert a 067-0587-02 to 067-0587-10 for use
in 11k
Fix for a common problem on SG5030 levelling heads
Fix for partial blue
screen on TDS scopes with the later version of CRT driver board
A comparison between a low cost Chineese 500 MHz probe and a Tek P6139A
Instruments, Boards & Parts