Building another fast Pulse Generator
A discussion on the Tekscopes Forum in the spring of 2017 about the calibrator module of 11802 Sampling scopes reminded me about my own scrapped 11802.
So why not try to use the module and install it into a TM500 plug-in ?
The Calibrator Module from the 11802
From a scrapped AM503 I used the connector part which was sawed off from the original board.
The fuse holders and rectifiers could be reused. (The rectifiers were moved to the same side as the fuse holders).
For hardware I used the a scrapped PG506. Instead of the original board I made an aluminum sub frame to hold the new circuit boards.
The sub panel and connector installed in the plug-in hardware. The front end was later replaced by a new plastic panel and a sub panel with no holes.
The sub frame with holes and spacers for the circuit boards.
The Power Supply board. Schematic here.
The Driver board. Schematic here.
The inside of the finished plug-in with everything in place.
The finished front.
Running and connected to my CSA803A / SD-26.
Close ups of the step. The calculated rise time turns out to be around 17.2 ps.
Unfortunately there is a lot more jitter between the Pre Trig and the Pulse than I had hoped for. I guess the rise time of the logic
chips is the major factor. Either way I'm not going to do anything more on this project.
Email me with comments. /Håkan
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