TekWiki Launcher

If you are not interested in Tektronix instrunents this is not for you.
TekWiki is a website where you can find descriptions, data, manuals, softwares and a lot more for almost any Tektronix instrument.
To find a specific instrument you have to manually enter it in the search box on the main page, hit Enter and wait for the page to load.
This little software skips the first step and takes you directly to the page of the selected instrument with less effort.


Sep 18, 2024 - New version 1.2.0


Changes from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0:


 Added function so that up to three different History Lists can be used. Default is List 1.
 Added function/option so when an item on the History list is used for search it is moved to the top of the list. Default is No.

Changes from 1.0.1 to 1.1.0:


 Didn't accept dashes (-) in the searchbox, i.e. Part Numbers. Now two dashes are accepted but not as first character and not two next to each other.
 Tip: If the History List is edited manually a dash as first character and following characters, if any, will be treated as a list separator.
 The About button and Form now labeled Info & Settings.
 Tickbox to select "Exit when Browser open" moved to the Info & Settings Form.

 Added function on Info & Settings Form to change length of the History List.
 Added funktions on Info & Settings Form to edit or clear the History List.


Changes from 1.0 to 1.0.1:


 Any leading <SPACE> character in the searchbox is now deleted.
 Button to Open the TekWiki main page added.
 Caption on the Open TekWiki button changed to Open TekWiki Search.

Version 1.0
  Initial version.

Here's a screen shot:

To use the program enter the instrument in the text box at the top and hit enter or click the Open TekWiki button and the web page
will open directly in your default browser.

If not already present each search will be saved in the history list so next time you can select your search from the list and open TekWiki
with only a double click. The list can contain up to 10 entries with the most recent on top. When the list is full the oldest entry is deleted
as the current is added on top.

There is only one optional function and it is Exit the program automatically when the browser is opened.

Download TekWiki Launcher here  If updating from an earlier version the easiest would be to just replace the current TekWiki.exe file with the one from the download.

Email me with comments  /Håkan

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